In my last post I described the effects of three years of Lipitor on my memory. This event has changed how I think, what I do, how I work. Unfortunately it has caused me to find barriers that are self-created. My mother was poorly educated but very intelligent. She taught me to accept my limitations, but not to invent them. The limitations imposed by struggling to retain vital information for longer than minutes has made me completely re-define my life. Now I discover the limitation was imposed by a drug. The manufacturers of that drug were aware of the problem. They state that they have 145,000,000 YEARS of patient usage from which they gather data. That means that Cholesterol patients have been taking Lipitor for a combined total of 145 Million patient-years. If two percent of patients are suffering memory loss that is a total of 2,900,000 years of misery and suffering spread across patients taking Lipitor. • That is 38,666 lifetimes. • That is 116,000 people taking Lipitor from age ...
Copyright is a legal device to protect the creator of a work from having that work copied and devalued without his permission. The definition is: The exclusive legal right to (publish, distribute, sell, perform) a literary, musical or artistic property. There was no need for copyright before the printing press, because the only way to copy anything was by hand, and the process was slow. If you wanted a copy of the Bible, you hired a scribe, who would then work for three years making an (error prone) copy. The cost was high, and the results were in themselves an original work of art. Early Copyright The republic of Venice granted the first privilege for a book in 1486. The first copyright privilege in England bears the date 1518, it was for two years. It was 15 years later than that of the first privileges issued in France. in April 1710 In Great Britain the Statute of Anne marked the world's first copyright statute. It granted publishers of a book legal protection of 14 years ...
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