Jeff Jarvis, Moral Panic, and Facial Recognition

Jeff is a regular on TWiG (This Week in Google) on the TWiT network. He is professor and director of the Tow-Knight Center for Entrepreneurial Journalism at the City University of New York’s Graduate School of Journalism. He is also a thinker, about many things. I own (and have read) his books, and agree in almost every case... But his "Moral Panic" rants on TWiG in the last few weeks require a response. Every time the subject of facial recognition being applied to CCTV and video footage comes up, Jeff winds up. His immediate response is that everyone forgets the GOOD that Facial Recognition could do. Imagine if you are trying to locate a lost child, or a wandering Alzheimers patient! Facial recognition could save lives . His argument last week was that there is a judicial system that will sort out false positives . Yes, Jeff, it could. But lets look at another situation... A man of color robs a liquor store, and shoots two people, and escapes in a black car. ...